I know of a-lot of people who gave positive feedback to this article and who this article helped elucidate the usage and implementation of Kahn's algorithm in a not so ham-fisted way.
You should probably go check out some of the more basic and vanilla CS articles on the subject where you don't have to parse any humor or complex thinking. Or maybe some research papers where your stalwart opinion may matter more.
Thanks for your feedback! Also here's some resources that can help the next time you make a comment. I realize your purpose is not to provide anything useful to the discussion, but just some food for thought:
P.S. Also looking to any work you might put out there! I realize some of the harshest critics of my work, barely have the fortitude or capacity to put out any of their own original thoughts or work (case in point by looking at a list of your non-existent publications), but are still happy to throw peanuts from the "peanut gallery". Eager to see what you can produce, if anything at all.